Plot Summary:
“Silent” unfolds with the mysterious murder of a woman, leading to a thrilling police investigation. As more murders unravel, the shocking truth emerges—a character believed to be a woman, Bhuvaneshwari, is actually a man named Bhuvanesh. The story explores the motives behind the murders while shedding light on the challenges faced by transgender individuals in society.
Director Ganesh Pandian impresses with his dual role as actor and director. His portrayal of Bhuvanesh/Bhuvaneshwari is impactful and layered. Samaya Murali as the investigative officer delivers a solid performance, while supporting actors like Aradhya, Murali Radhakrishnan, and Namitha shine in their respective roles.
Music and Cinematography:
Samaya Murali’s music is a standout, with soulful songs and a gripping background score that elevate the mood. Cinematographer Seiyon Murali’s visuals perfectly complement the film’s tone, bringing depth to this low-budget thriller.
Direction and Production:
Ganesh Pandian proves his mettle as a debut director with a socially relevant yet engaging narrative. While minor production constraints are visible, the team’s dedication ensures the film stands strong as a compelling thriller.
“Silent” is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant thriller that balances entertainment with social commentary. It’s a must-watch for those who appreciate meaningful cinema with gripping storytelling.