Brother – Movie Review
Plot Summary: “Brother” stars Jayam Ravi as a young man who, despite being bright, struggles with his outspoken nature, which lands him in trouble wherever he goes. His father, initially hopeful for his legal career, eventually sends him away after reaching a breaking point. His sister, played by Bhoomika, takes him in, determined to reform him. However, upon joining her family, his presence causes tension, leading to unexpected challenges and family drama.
Cast and Performances: Jayam Ravi, known for his range, handles the comedic and emotional beats well, especially in scenes with VTV Ganesh, where he brings a natural charm. Despite Jayam Ravi’s strong performance, the supporting cast’s acting feels overly staged, including usually natural actors like Saranya Ponvannan, who comes across as artificial here. Natraj, who generally dominates his scenes, has a minimal, underwhelming role, leaving audiences wanting more from his character.
Music and Cinematography: The cinematography captures the scenic beauty of Ooty in vibrant detail, but Haris Jayaraj’s score is a mixed bag. While the sentimental song about sibling bonding works, the background score feels reminiscent of a typical Hindi serial, detracting from the film’s intended tone.
Direction and Production: Director M. Rajesh, known for his comedic storytelling, seems to struggle in “Brother” without his longtime collaborator, Santhanam. While VTV Ganesh steps in to fill the comedic role, he doesn’t quite capture the same energy. Rajesh attempts to recreate the vibe of his earlier success with “Boss Engira Bhaskaran,” but the result falls flat, with outdated clichés and predictable tropes.
Verdict: “Brother” is a family drama that lacks engaging storytelling, struggling with both its direction and writing. The first half has a few laughs, but the overall screenplay lacks depth, making it hard to stay invested. Unfortunately, “Brother” doesn’t live up to its potential and may leave audiences disappointed.
Rating: ⭐🌟/5