Following the success of the film “Dada,” actor Kavin is set to rise higher in the Tamil film industry with his upcoming movie “Star.” Directed by Ilan, who previously directed the successful film “Pyar Prema Kadhal,” “Star” features Gavin along with Lal, Aditi Bohangar, Preethi Mugundhan, Lolla Sabha Maran, and Geetha Kailasam. The music for the film is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, known for his exceptional talent in Tamil cinema. Artistic direction is handled by M. Vinod Rajkumar, while production work is overseen by Pradeep E. Ragav. Produced by Rise East Entertainment and Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, the film brings together the expertise of P. Rubak Pranav Tej and Sunil Shahgar.
The first look and songs of the film have garnered attention from millions of viewers, creating anticipation for the release. Particularly, Gavin’s youthful appearance in the song sequences has captivated the audience, leading to high expectations. The release of the film’s first look has further intensified the excitement among fans, promising a significant breakthrough. With the collaboration of three talented producers and directors, “Star” promises to deliver a fresh perspective, resonating with both young and online audiences. This initial impression has garnered immense support, setting the stage for the film’s release on May 10th.