Vijay Antony shines in “Romeo,” bringing his signature charm and energy to the screen. While the film follows a familiar storyline of one-sided love, Antony’s performance elevates the otherwise predictable narrative.
In “Romeo,” Antony portrays Arivu, a thirty-five-year-old Malaysian resident who finds himself smitten by Leela (Mirnalini Ravi) during a trip to his homeland. Despite Arivu’s unwavering affection, Leela’s ambitions as an actress lead her to view their marriage as a hindrance. What ensues is Arivu’s determined effort to win over Leela’s heart and make their love mutual.
Director Vinayak Vaithianathan takes the age-old trope of winning someone’s affection and sets it in a contemporary context, injecting the storyline with moments of intrigue. Antony’s portrayal of Arivu, a kind-hearted yet determined individual, adds depth to the character. Mirnalini Ravi, as Leela, effectively captures her character’s dismissive attitude towards Arivu’s advances, although the role itself lacks dimension.
The first half of the film is buoyed by comedic moments, primarily driven by Arivu, Leela’s friends, and supporting characters like Arivu’s uncle (VTV Ganesh) and Vikram (Yogi Babu). However, the second half introduces subplots that detract from the film’s charm and relatability, ultimately diluting its impact.
Despite occasional flashes of brilliance in filmmaking, such as clever visual transitions and meta self-awareness, “Romeo” succumbs to clichés and a predictable narrative towards the end. The inclusion of an unnecessary villain and a flashback sequence feels contrived and hampers the overall viewing experience.
Nevertheless, “Romeo” marks a departure from Vijay Antony’s recent underwhelming performances and offers a decent watch, thanks to emotionally gratifying moments scattered throughout the film.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)