Single Shankarum Smartphone Simranum is scripted and directed by Vignesh Sha. The film features “Shiva,” Megha Akash, Ma Ka Pa Anand, Anju Kurian, “Mano,” Naan Kadavul “Rajendran,” Divya Ganesh, KPY Bala, Sha Ra, Bagavathi Perumal, Lollu Sabha Seshu, and Koushik Mahata.
Shankar works in a food delivery company. A software engineer designs a mobile phone with AI technology. When there were plans to sell the project for huge bucks, the phone got into Shankar’s hands. When Shankar uses the AI phone and becomes a biggie, the AI-designed Simran wants his love. After Shankar denied her requests, he faced many consequences for the denial. What were they? The rest of the film showcases that.
Star Performance
As usual, Shiva did his job well. Mega is good in the given role. The rest of the stars have done what was required.
Eagle Eye 👁
The film starts with a note that there is no logic, just fun. True to that, the film has no logic; however, comedy is guaranteed. Shiva’s expressions, body language, and dialogue delivery are funny and exciting, as usual, which is the film’s biggest plus. The adverse effects of future technology is neatly dealt with. The artists are picked well, and Mano shines in a comedy role after a while. There are a lot of artists doing small roles. Usually, Shiva’s choice of genre is spoof-kind, and he is a king in that. This time, he has tried a script with illogical scenes but has created huge laughter. The climax could’ve been shot better, as it didn’t gel with the film.
What’s There?
- The performances of the stars
What’s Not There?
- Better climax expected
- Many characters are not utilized properly
Over All
If you want just to enjoy the day, forgetting your hectic schedule, you can try this film. Though it has no logic, it guarantees laughter. Amidst the action thrillers and crime thrillers, SSSS is an enjoyable film!